3d, digital marketing, graphic design



The past two years have been incredibly challenging for every part of the Canadian economy, the nonprofit sector is no exception. NONPROFIT FUTURE+ was an online conference for nonprofits with the goal of “inspiring the road to recovery”. Hosted by ANSWER.it the conference was planned to feature two days of coaching, motivational and keynote speakers, workshops, success stories, and skill development.


The goal of the conference was to promote a positive, forward-looking attitude, revealing a path towards recovery by encouraging digital transformation, sharing inspirational stories, and raising awareness of alternative funding methods.

A bright colour scheme was chosen to evoke a festive atmosphere. Key visuals were created using 3d software to represent the “positive tech theme”.

Photoshop, Illustrator, Blender and Canva were used to create graphics and social media marketing materials for this event. Click on an image below to enlarge it.

  • An example of the Nonprofit Future + Online Event
  • Nonprofit Future Plus logo example.

Positive Outcomes

Aside from cementing its role as a digital-first social enterprise the NONPROFIT FUTURE+ conference enabled ANSWER.it to grow its network of organizations in the nonprofit sector with similar values, who were empathetic to the its mission to “strengthen the nonprofit sector”.

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