digital marketing, graphic design Website & Social Media is a brand new social enterprise working to strengthen the Canadian nonprofit sector using behavioural science and technology.

The main marketing objectives included building brand awareness, engagement and trust. Showcasing new products and establishing as a knowledgeable brand and thought leader on topics such as the grant writing process, nonprofit mergers/closures, alternative funding methods for nonprofits and digital transformation.

Website & Blog

The website was created using the Wix website editor. Custom graphics and icons were added to give the template-based website a more unique look.

The website originally used an “architectural” theme, a good starting point that I continued to develop over time. Being a fresh startup brings many challenges, brand recognition and trust were top concerns so a memorable and bold theme that projected confidence was essential. website design examples.
A few examples of pages I created or iterated on.

The company blog The Impact Leak often covers complicated or uncomfortable topics, so a more relaxed and visually light colour scheme was adopted. Playful, light-hearted images were also utilized to emphasize the positive atmosphere. graphics examples.
Blog feed and post examples.

Social Media

A lot of my time was dedicated to the company blog The Impact Leak. In-depth articles and free resources aimed at nonprofits were published on the blog and promoted on social media to increase brand awareness and build a following. Like the rest of the website, the blog was created and maintained using the Wix platform. Graphics were sourced from royalty-free sites such as Unsplash and edited using Photoshop. Animated graphics (like event posters) were created using Canva as needed.

A blog post and a few of the social media posts used to promote it.

More post samples, click on a thumbnail to enlarge the image.

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